Berber aardewerk
Er is een prachtige uitleg met betrekking tot ideqqi aardewerk te vinden naar aanleiding van de expositie in het Musée du Quai Branly (Franse versie):

The catalogue for the Ideqqi exhibition, the art of the Berber women, presents the first synthetic approach to the art of Berber pottery in Algeria, which is specifically female. It is based on the particularly rich collections in the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac.
After the Introduction by Marie-France vivier, the exhibition curator, Ernest Hamel sketches a historical panorama of Kabyla pottery. Dalila Marsly’s contributions explain the different functions of the objects in the exhibition, mainly through their domestic uses.
Finally, the last contribution by Marie-France Vivier enables the reader to understand the symbolism of the decorative elements, by comparing some compositions with, for instance, the tattoos on Kabyla women who were photographed 40 years ago by Marc Garanger.
96 pages • 20 x 26 cm • 25 €
Co-published by musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac / 5 Continents 2007
ISBN: 9782915133592
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